HackerView Scan
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Hacker view is a section of the ACS platform that allows the user to spot the findings of the surface scan which is populated from the regular scan. The hacker view page stores some sensitive information which allows users to see the data through the eye of a hacker. The hacker view page has 2 filters that allow the user to spot the data.
Users can spot the
Hacker view alerts/findings
Total assets
Scan time.
You can sort findings based on:
Severity filter
Instance Id filter
Alerts: Users can spot the number of generated hacker view findings/alerts for their cloud account against the rules of the ACS platform.
Total asset: Users can spot the number of assets that are evaluated against the rules of the ACS platform
Scan time: The user can spot the last scan time with the date and time of their cloud accounts.
Severity filter: The severity filter allows the user to spot the findings with their severity level. There are four severity levels in the ACS platform e.g. Critical severity, High severity, Medium severity, and low severity.
Instance Id filter: The user can spot the hacker view findings by instance id
e.g. i-07cf91b36ce4bbff6, i-040c8281c16fd4cff, i-0544b1305738531c4, i-00820a0b7404576da, i-010b3c82ccd5f5064, i-0e9e115eb9edd9aa0, i-07eb53522ead1e0c4,