
CloudDefense offers a fully customizable report section to the users. This includes

  1. Pre-Built Reports

  2. Customizable data widgets

  3. Customize the size of the data widgets

  4. Change the chart types

  5. Print and Download the Reports in PDF format

Pre-Built Reports

We have 3 types of pre-built reports available:

  1. CISO Report

  2. IAM Report

  3. Compliance Report

Go to Report Section. Then you will have the option to select all pre-built reports.

Click on “Try Now” from the pre-built reports section.

CISO Report

This is the pre-built report for the CISOs. CISO report has the following data widgets:

  • Most Vulnerable Assets & Resources

  • Excessive Permissions

  • Total Vulnerabilities

  • Top 10 Most vulnerable assets

  • Over-privileged users/roles list

  • Past Trend report for vulnerabilities

  • List of Access keys (By Username) whose access key is not changed since last 90 days

  • List of top 10 Users not logged in since last 90 days

IAM Report:

This report contains all the details about IAM resources.

  • Excessive Permissions

  • Top 10 most vulnerable users (Most non-complaint or security findings)

  • MFA Disabled Users list

  • List of Access keys (By Username) whose access key is not changed since last 90 days

  • List of Users not logged in since last 90 days

Compliance Report:

In compliance report, you will see:

  • Compliance Status

  • Compliance Checklist for a specific category of compliance

  • Top 10 (Critical then high) Non-Compliant issues

  • Top 10 Most non-compliant resources

  • Past Trend report for Non-Compliant resources

Create Custom Reports

You can even create custom reports. Please check this article to know how to create.

Customization Reports

The reports are totally customizable. You can do:

  1. Drag and drop widgets ]

  2. Resize the data widgets

  3. Edit or delete the widgets


From the right corner, hit download report.

Last updated